1.) Why is it does it take so much effort for students to respond to questions their professors ask?
I think it’s because a lot of people are afraid of public speaking, and when you’re in a lecture hall of two hundred or more people a lot of people will shy away from sharing their opinions and ideas. Another reason people do not answer the questions might be because they didn’t do the assignment or the assigned reading.
2.) Why don’t students like to join group organizations?
One reason is because group organizations require a time commitment. When freshmen are just moving into the dorms, they don’t want to sign up for something that takes away from the time they can be meeting new people and having fun. Another reason is because of negative connotations, in the book it said that one of the reasons people do not join fraternities or sororities is because they think they will not be able to hang out with other people besides the fraternity or sorority, and that it costs a lot of money that they don’t want to pay just to make friends when they can make friends for free. (p.48)
3.) Why don’t students include minority students in their close social circle?
I think that it’s not that people don’t include minority students; it’s just that people tend to stay with what they are used to, and hang out with who they are around the most. Since minority students also tend to hang out with other people of minority, it’s not that students don’t include other students of minority in their close social circle, it’s that they don’t have as many opportunities to as they would someone they are around more.
4.) Why do most students of color leave the cafeteria after they get their food instead of sitting at a table and eating?
I think that students of color leave the cafeteria after they get their food because they don’t know anyone who is in the cafeteria at that time, so they take it back to their dorm. I don’t think only students of color do this, but they might do it the most.
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